Grade 8 Music Theory (Trinity)
On Sale
A complete course following the Trinity College London Grade 8 Music Theory Syllabus.
With exercises, practice test and answers.
(With UK and USA terminology)
Course includes:
- Parallel Keys
- Mixolydian Mode
- Serialism and Tone Rows
- Extended Dominants (V9, V11, V13)
- Chromatic Chords e.g Neapolitan 6th (bII), Secondary Dominants, Augmented 6ths (French, Italian & German) and Borrowed Chords
- False Relations
- Passing Chords
- Distant Modulation
- Identifying the Prevailing Key
- Harmonic Analysis with Decoration
- Harmonising a Chorale Melody (with Modulation)
- Describing Sound
- Musical Instruments
- Transposing
- Writing an Orchestral Score at Concert Pitch
- Note Names in Other Languages
- The Romantic Era
- Identifying the Era of a Score
- The Baroque Concerto
- The Concerto
- The Etude, Nocturne, Lied, Mazurka, Prelude and Waltz
- Composition
- Musical Terms
- Grade 8 Practice Test